Friday, November 12, 2010

Delicious Cancer Sticks

So the new FDA tobacco warning labels are causing quite a stir of controversy apparently.

Some people say they are too graphic. Then there is me, and I really don't think they are graphic enough.

U.S. warning label
I confess I am a social smoker. I work in clubs and festivals every other night though, so my "social smoking" can easily average everyday. Recently, I've been on a health kick, and tried to stop altogether. Now I smoke one cigarette, once a week, while slightly intoxicated of course.

I know it is bad, and is a preventable cause of death... but really, 10 years off my life does not phase me now. When I'm 80, I'll probably be old and ugly and over life. And I'll know the quality of my life was enjoyed to the fullest. I know I'll have had more experiences than the average person.

Smoking doesn't seem so bad because the damage is on the inside. If my face turned black with every cigarette I had (as my lungs do), you can bet I'd quit that shit real quick. I guess for superficial people like myself, the graphic depictions on cigarette packs are what we need to deter us.

I honestly don't think the U.S. warnings are that bad though. They are truthful, and I think you should be forced to learn the truth if you want to be a smoker. And when compared to the warning labels in places like Brazil... our labels look like kid packaging.

Brazil warning labels
If you can't handle the truth, then maybe you shouldn't be smoking. I definitely can handle it though, and will continue to thoroughly enjoy my cigarette a week.

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