Went to my boyfriend's mom's side of the family.. Since they are Chinese, I had to pray with them and not understand one word of what was said. But I guess half the family there couldn't understand Chinese either. I tried my best not to laugh, but it just kept going and going and going.
The people in my age group ended up separating from the older crowd.. and they all happen to work in correctional facilities or as cops or something like that. Our dinner conversation included all the people they lock up and all the bodies they find. Most memorable image was how an old man died of a heart attack in his spa and wasn't found until three days later (basically he was being slow-cooked for days). When they pulled him out, his lower body deteriorated until his insides dropped out into the spa. Now this might seem gross to many, but I have never had more interesting and fascinating stories at Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving #2:
Went to my side of the family way out in the wine country of Temecula (not fond of the 2 hour drive).. and every time I go there I forget my dad has a farm. There were about five donkeys, a few mini horses, six dogs, and chickens.
Last time I visited there weren't chickens. My dad told me the neighbor gave him a freshly laid egg TO EAT. My dad felt bad though and didn't want to eat it, so he put the egg in an incubator. And now he has a chicken coup and eats their
My dad also started telling me stories of what he was like when he was younger. Apparently, when he was in high school, he would go race his car and tailgate for fun. He plowed through random people's cow pastures and through fences, even flipping over his dad's car while chasing a guy on a motorcycle. He told his dad the mud and grass came from his friends who were throwing mud at the car. He said back in the 60s it was safe to drive wreckless. And my dad made me feel like a bad kid for going to raves? Ha...
Then my dad slowly started talking about his Vietnam days and being in the Army. Though, he suddenly stopped and said he "can't talk about that stuff." Sounded like he was pretty scandalous with the asian girls. And killed a lot of people. My dad was more party than i thought.
Thanksgiving #3
Went to my boyfriend's dad's side of the family. Most the people had left when we arrived though, so spent most the time talking with the grandma. I like his grandma. She was telling me a story how these people hire girls as makeup artists, but once they fill out the paperwork they are kidnapped into prostitution. And if they try to escape they get a beating and have all their info so their family will be slaughtered. One girl gave her parent's number to a client, the cops found where they were, and they were freed. But the pimp was never found and may be lurking in a neighborhood near you.
Oh, and I got tamales! Best part of mexican holidays.
Thanksgiving #4
Went to my boyfriend's mom's house. More intimate, good food, relaxing, non-morbid stories (damn), and watched Toy Story 3. I wanted to watch it in spanish to see how it plays out when Buzz starts speaking spanish in the english version. But I guess I will never know.
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